Susy Radio Events - broadcast regularly across East Surrey.


Event Form

Please complete this form with details of your event
Please give at least two weeks notice of any deadline

Nature of event:
Venue address:
Post town:
Nearest train station:
Bus routes:
Start date: The date of the event or first day
End date: The date of the event or last day
Day / Date Text:
ie: On Monday 1st January, Monday 1st to Friday 4th January, Every Monday throughout January.
Cost / Prices:
Cause, if proceeds going to charity: 
Contact details to appear on listings / advert:
Contact name: 
Telephone number:
Email address:
Website:                    http://
Additional details (Maximum 255 letters /  spaces / characters per line. Form will reject if over):
For Office Use (Not For Broadcast)
Are you a registered charity, or raising funds for a registered charity Y/N:           
Contact name for queries (if different from above):        
Telephone number for queries (if different from above):
Email address for queries (if different from above):